So this is it 8th of April... I woke up really early and I was tired from last night... I was playing on my computer... but never mind that :D
My baggage was set and I went to the meeting place. We waited a few minutes for the bus and they we set off. Rali wasn't feeling good so she was sleeping most of the time, but me and Rosen were listening to music and laughing. After a few hours we went to Sofia, where we settled in the hotel. We had some free time before the meeting in the airport so we all took a shower /not together xD/ and then we went to the airport along with Mrs. Damyanova and Mrs. Stankova.
Some time passed, but finally Mrs. Damyanova recognized the Irish teacher and we went to greet them. On the way to the hotel we passed through a gypsy area of Sofia and Rosen was quick to tell the Irish that these buildings and people weren't Bulgarian. When we got back we had more free time to relax and stuff, before dinner.
When we went to the restaurant we didn't talk a lot because we were still very shy, but as time went we came to know each other.
Then later at around 22:30 we went to Terminal 2 to leave Rosen and Rali waiting for the Spanish group and me, Mrs. Damyanova and Mrs. Stankova, along with the Irish group waited for the Norwegians. Apparently their flight was delayed with half an hour or more and we waited a lot, BUT we had fun during that time. Finally when they arrived we went to greet them too and hurried to the bus, to get the other group because the poor guys were waiting for more than an hour :D
In the bus i was really, really, really nervous and I annoyed Rosen because I talked during the whole time, from stress. But we didn't talk with the others because we were all too shy, and really tired so we went to the hotel, and probably everyone went to their beds quickly.
The second day I woke up Rosen really cruel :D Because he didn't want to get up so I turned on the music and opened the window. After we were ready, we went to have breakfast. Later we went around Sofia and we met our tour guide Kris /Yeah.. Like me :D/ and Krasi, they were volunteers to show the tourists the best places in Sofia and to tell our great /at times not that great/ history. But time was pressing hard and we had to skip some of the last sightseeings. Then we went to the bus to set off for Veliko Turnovo /Mighty Turnovo/. When we got there we found out that the bus can't stop anywhere near the hotel but I already opened the luggage-rack and "saved" a few baggage's. After a while the bus found a place to park and me and few other guys went to get the others' stuff. We had a little free time and then went to dinner.
After that we went to the castle "Tzarevec" and we had huge luck to show up just for the light show, it was really beautiful, and I think everyone enjoyed it. Later we traveled around the city and got back in the hotel. But because I stayed till really late, talking with Rali and the receptionist girl I went to my room but it was locked, and I didn't want to wake up Marc and Sergi so I slept in the lobby /but it was really comfortable :D/
In the morning we had breakfast and a few hours free time so we went to the castle again me, Rali, Rosen and Michaela but this time inside. Later we saw the spanish group along with Olav to come too. At lunch-time we got on the bus and headed to Etara where we saw the traditional craft-making, but the weather was really chilly so we didn't like it a lot. And then we went for the Shipka Monastery but I don't think it was interesting anymore because everyone was tired, and needed rest.
After that we went to our high school where the other students probably set some of the most interesting paintings,drawings, design assignments etc. I talked a little with my guest Helena and then we set for my house with my father. At first she was really shy but later she started talking more and I grew fond of her. For dinner me, Helena and my family went to a restaurant and after that, we met with Ilona and Sergi to play a little "hek". But it got late so we went home and went to beds. the next day was our second meeting on the project where every group showed the work they've done so far, it was really interesting and I really liked it. We went to lunch at Magnoliya restaurant and after that we finished the project meeting for the day and had free time till 7, during that time we went to one school to play football /I played basketball :D/ after that we went to Hollywood /the beloved place of us all/ and then went to Magnoliya again where we saw a traditional folklore program just for us.
The next day was pretty much the same, but we finished the project meeting and almost all of us danced a traditional dance /which i can't learn for 3 years now, and the others learnt for 2 days :D/after lunch we said our goodbyes to the Norwegian group and went to the Thracian tomb and we had more free time. So we were at Hollywood again for a few hours and then we went to a pizzeria and after that a Billiard pud. This was a really good day full of joy.
Unlike the next day when we traveled back to Sofia and said our goodbyes again for the other two groups. It was really sad... but the Spanish group broke the ice when the teachers started leaving the bus and the students were still on their seats saying "bye... bye..." :D
We hugged them all and went back to Kazanlak. It was kinda depressing because I may never see some of these people again, and we became friends for such small time. I'll always remember them, and I can't wait to go to Catalonia!
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