Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blog before going to Bulgaria

Comenius Blog Post

I first knew about Comenius in early 2010 while I was still in fourth year. Our principal announced that morning that if anyone was interested that they should stay in at lunchtime. That lunchtime we had a very brief meeting where we learned that there was going to be a student exchange to either Bulgaria, Norway or Spain. I knew straight away that this was something I wanted to do.

However nothing else was mentioned about the Comenius project again until the next school year when I was in fifth year .In early September we had our first Comenius meeting and it was decided then who was going to be heading on the first trip to Norway (Jamie, Eoin, Grace, Ríoghnach and Brianne)

Before the trip to Norway there were regular meetings every week where we were given on the project and we discussed what we were going to do. We also filmed a video and I helped with the filming of the sports section of this video. This showed some of the basic skills involved in the traditional Irish games of hurling and football

However at this stage I was still unsure as to whether I wanted to go on the trip to Bulgaria or on the trip to Spain. I knew a reasonable amount about the Spanish culture, I had been to Spain on holidays before and we study the Spanish language in school which would have some sections about Spanish culture. Yet on the other hand, I knew nothing about Bulgaria, I knew a one or two of their soccer players so I could assume that soccer is a reasonably big sport in Bulgaria .I didn’t know anything though about the food they eat or what sports are actually popular in Bulgaria. Is soccer really as big in Bulgaria as it would seem. I could do but that doesn’t give you the whole picture .This Comenius experience is a chance to learn about minority cultures and languages in the best way possible, by experiencing it.

A facebook page was set up for the Comenius project and I wrote a brief description of myself/introduction on it. I gave my name and age, I said I was going to Bulgaria and how excited I was to meet everyone over there and how much I was looking forward to learning about all of the minority cultures and also about all of the minority languages. I then added all of the people who are going to Bulgaria as friends on facebook and I have been talking to some of them on facebook about the trip and just general things.

When everyone finally went to Norway, they returned with fantastic stories about shooting lemmings and eating reindeer, they also told us how they got along with everyone and that they were all really nice. There was also lots and lots pictures taken of everything that they did in Norway. I really liked the fact that there were so many pictures in them. The people, the snow and how much fun everyone was having.

After every one of those great stories I knew that I wanted to learn as much as I possibly could a culture I knew very little about. So it was then that I decided that i wanted to go on the trip to Bulgaria.

After the Christmas break we started work on re-shooting the video that we had made. I was helping Michaela do the filming for the video and I also did some filming myself. First of all Michaela and I filmed the music section of the video. Ian and Brianne played some songs on the tin whistle (a traditional Irish Instrument). Ian and Brianne also went through the basics of a tin whistle step by step. While filming this section of the video I noticed there was a big ray of sunshine in the shot while we were filming so I had to stand up on a table near the window and hold a poster up against the window so the sun wouldn’t be in the shot.

The next part of the video to be shot was the sports section. Michaela and I also filmed the part. While Eoin, Muireann, Ríoghnach and Natalie showed us some skills of the traditional Irish games of gaelic football and hurling. Because there was more space needed to show these skills someone was needed to speak the lines explaining these skills. Eoin and I were reading these lines.

The next filming session was for Irish dancing and singing. This was done over two days because we ran out of time because it was quite hard to get everyone in the shot for the dancing. Michaela and I also filmed this. There was also a big group of people dancing in the video. Grace was in charge of this section and she was doing a voice-over explaining what is going on in the video. Once the dancing was finished Eoin, Ray and I went and filmed a video of the three of us doing some traditional Irish singing, the song we sang is called “Chuaigh an dá Sheán”.

Once everything had been filmed Michaela and I stayed back after school to edit the video that we had filmed. Michaela and I had very little editing skills, but we learned quite a bit about editing just while we edited that short video.

The last thing to be recorded was another part of the music section, there was a traditional Irish music concert in the school after the mid-term break. Michaela was gone to Australia at this stage so I filmed the concert. This was a very stop start recording and because of this the batteries ran out on the camera near the end of the concert, so I didn’t record the entire concert.

Once the video was almost finished I started working on my presentation. When I finally decided what topic I was going to be doing my presentation on I started researching it. All of this research came in handy when I was putting my presentation together.

The next thing that came up was that Michaela’s laptop had broken and all of the footage of the video that we shot was on that laptop. I was worried that the laptop would not be fixed in time to go to Bulgaria or maybe that the laptop might get wiped when they fix it. Which would have meant re-shooting the entire video again. Fortunately for us this that did not happen and all of the footage was safe in the end.

Another incident was that our principal told us that there were rumours that some of us might have been staying with students in Bulgaria who weren’t living with their parents. I was worried about staying in a house with no parents, so were my mam and dad. However we later found out that none of that was true, after talking to the person I was staying with on facebook I felt reassured about where I would be staying.

While making my presentation I experienced a few difficulties while trying to put movie clips in my powerpoint. First of all I downloaded the videos from youtube, then I needed to convert the file into a file that was supported by my editing software. After finding the bit of the clip that I needed I saved it on to my computer. When I played the clip normally it worked perfectly, However when I tried to play the clip as part of the powerpoint the audio worked perfectly, except the visuals weren’t working and the screen was completely blank. I deided that I would have to exit the powerpoint every time I needed to show a clip.

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