Monday, April 11, 2011

Micheala before going to Bulgaria

Comenius Blog.
Hey guys! So this is my comenius blog to give you a insight into how i found the comenius project :)
So on the first day I started comenius I never knew much butI loved the opportunity to visit another country, and then when i learned what the project was about I wanted to join even more. I put my name down right away! and started attending the meetings. Me and Ian decided to work together on getting work done for Comenius, we started with a Comenius online blog, found at where we write and post about the school and all things Irish!
We spent time during school talking about what we can post on the blog and who will post them and we also spent 1 day a week staying back from school to work even more on our online blog!
Thursday the 11th of november was the first day myself and Ian started the idea for the online blog. We spent that day making a list of what we could post and made a schedule to keep record of eachothers work towards the blog. On Friday the 12th we created the blog, added the information and posted the first post. On tuesday the 16th we spend an hour after school going over the blog and editing its presentation. I enjoyed this because not only was i working with a friend but it was nice to know you were contributing information.
On wednesday 17th we translated the blog from Irish to English as it was written by us in Irish, the next day we worked on the blog yet again uploading 3 posts, I then made a header for the blog and changed the theme. It looks really good :D, On friday 19th of november I posted the post " basic irish sentances" which i thought was a good start for people wanting to learn about the irish language. I also posted " important dates in school" to give a insight into our school year and how much holidays we have.
On tursday the 23rd I posted a post about the history of our school and on wednesday me and Ian posted a post with pictures about lá eolachta, or science day, showing what it is. We then changed the theme to a nicer one and posted about brath glas and other school programs.

Then on the thursday the 25th we had a meeting, I was excited because I recieved my Comenius diary, which i started filling as soon as i could!
Me and Ian then spent an hour after school working on the blog, adding a few tweeks like adding comenius to the header and uploading a post about Lá san nioclas. On the 1st of december, myself and Ian spent a day after school on the blog, and on Thurday we had a meeting. On Monday the 13th december I made a slideshow of the school to put onto the blog.

Friday 24th! Nooo school :D Christmasss!!
Monday10th January, back to school :( but we had a Comenius meeting:)
On Tursday the 11th I got very excited, I brought in my notes all signed for the trip and my passport!. Everything seemed to be getting very close! and i couldn't wait :D

On Thurday 13th January, I recorded the first part of the video with Brianne and Ian, they showed how to play the tin whistle, I enjoyed recording it as i love cameras :D. On Monday the 17th we continued recording and got more alot more done. On Monday 24th we finished the 1st part of the video and I put the footage and edited it at home:D I loved the editing process as I got to learn more about editing and that can be very usefull to me in the future.

On Monday I also recorded part one of the sports part of the DVD with Conor, Natalie, Muirinn, Grace, Eoin and Rioghnach. That was fun because we got to have fun recording outside playing sport we love!
On Thursday 27th I recorded the 5th & 6th years singing and was ment to record Richie dancing for the "Irish Dance" part of the video, however we didn't have the correct music, so it will have to wait:)
On Monday 31st I stayed after school to record the music class so show in a video what irish music is like. Then on Tuesday afternoon I edited it ready for the video, I showed it to the princible but the music the band wasn't Irish enough, which was pretty dissapointing consisidering it look time and effort to record it, but re- recording better music was a good idea.
On Wednesday 9th Febuary I spent more time editing the video, and on Thursday we had a Comenius meeting.

Unfortinitly I was missing for a month when I went on a family holiday however the whole time I emailed my classmates finding out all the news, and continued to work while abroad. On Wednesday 23rd I posted a blog post and edited the blog slightly.
On Thursday 24th I got information and pictures for my art presentation.
I was looking forward to doing this presentation because I love art :)

On Wednesday March 16th I concetrated on my presentation and got a bit more done. Thursday 24th, 29th and 31st I had a comenius meeting, It was exciting because we got our itinary, and I've been talking to the person I am staying with in Bulgaria!. Exciting stuff:D
I edited the video and included footage of a two man band showing irish music and a clip of Richie dancing a traditional dance.
My laptop broke and I couldn't do any of the video for a bit, it got scary because it was getting close to the dates to leave but fortunitly it got fixed pretty quickly and i was all set to continue :)

April 4th I recorded a group showing how to do a Irish ceili, And had a meeting. Getting all the last bits and pieces together, Presantation done, Video has one last bit to be done, and were off :)
I truely cannot wait! :D.

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